Okay, to simply put. Guys, it's okay to admit that we DO stare at our closets with regards to having no clue on what to wear. This doesn't make you any less masculine, you just want to look and smell right for yourself. This is where I put my take on this. You have to approach this in regards to the current season you're in as I'm sure most of you know. Let's dive right into the current season, Fall. Fall is my absolute favorite season. It's not too hot and not too cold as it can provide the perfect mix. Except those early mornings and late nights. Late nights is the operative word here. So you're meeting up for evening drinks and catching up with life's happenings, work, date life, etc? Place yourself in a setting where you're outside or a fireplace is involved. On a fall evening you cannot go wrong with a thin blazer, dark jean, cotton button up, and a suede Chelsea Boot. Why dark you ask? Well, darker colors provide warmth, are less distracting when in conversation, and make you more approachable. Now, some may argue they rather a light pair of jeans which is fine however; MAKE that your pop of color only. Remember, if your jeans are brighter, the natural eye will put focus there first. So if you spill something, just hope it dries fast. Why a suede Chelsea Boot? So, here's the thing, I'm a boots kind of guy so I prefer boots all year 'round. Yes, even in the summer but only when appropriate, hence late night out. In my opinion, I always go for a tall chelsea boot as it adds some extra swag to my walk and confidence. Again, warmth. Suede in my opinion provides less frozen toes. I'm not against a short chelsea boot either. I'd say go for it man! To add the final touch, you should go for a rather spicy scent. Spicy scents are great for men in the fall as it adds attraction, confidence, and a good topic of conversation in the event there's that awkward silence. I'd suggest something along the notes of Sandalwood, John Varvatos, Ralph Lauren's Red, or even Tom Ford's Noir if you're feeling like a rad dude. Test this out and let me know your thoughts.
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